When considering the future of EMR in the Philippines, the question arises: “Should I invest in an on-premises or a cloud-based version?” As the use of EMR technology continues to grow and expand worldwide, this debate has been fueled by various factors. Although EMR use has been a hot topic in the US for several years, doctors are still mostly using paper in the Philippines.
A recent study by Alibaba Cloud found that 80{a7b6f7c9859d120b5e992e2d3c4cbb3499c6aa5f9b3bc168266a4adb7d7fc912} of IT decision-makers in the Philippines believe Asian vendors offer better cloud-based solutions. While implementing cloud solutions, the Philippines ITDMs place a high value on security credentials, the integration of existing IT infrastructure, and the cost when choosing a cloud solution provider. In a recent survey, respondents indicated that they would spend much less on software maintenance if the cloud-based solution.
As the country prepares to roll out the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many health providers are looking toward EMR in the Philippines. This law aims to create infrastructure for data sharing among health care providers and support access to patient records across all providers. This will promote public health, total patient care, and better decision-making while protecting the privacy of every individual. Among the benefits of EMR is its ability to help improve care, increase efficiency, and enhance communication.
The Philippine health system is faced with several challenges, most importantly, the availability of real-time information. Many stakeholders have expressed concern about the reliability of EMR Philippines, but many healthcare providers are eager to adopt it. In the meantime, EMR technology in the country has become a vital part of the health system.
Using an EMR in the Philippines can improve the efficiency of health care delivery. It can also facilitate HMO reimbursements, provide accurate patient health information, and improve overall care quality and safety. Among the many benefits of using an EMR are:
This type of electronic medical record is used in healthcare facilities worldwide. It helps improve patient care by eliminating human rabies and leprosy diseases. This software also helps health providers monitor their patient’s health status and take appropriate medication. It can also be used to remind patients of their appointments and prescriptions. This software helps doctors stay in compliance with the Affordable Care Act.
Don’t hesitate to explore and discover more about EMR as you check out Serious MD today!