Home ยป Why Do You Need a Crown After Root Canal Treatment?

Why Do You Need a Crown After Root Canal Treatment?

Why Do You Need a Crown After Root Canal Treatment

According to statistics, tooth decay and dental cavities are the most common dental problems that people experience. If you are lucky and visit your dentist soon, your decayed tooth can probably be saved, and you can restore your healthy smile. Otherwise, you need more complicated treatments to treat a severely decayed tooth that can’t be saved anymore. It may be surprising, but many people overlook the symptoms and serious signs of tooth decay and visit their dentists when it’s too late. The most regular treatments that professional dentists recommend to patients with fully decayed teeth is a tooth extraction or root canal treatment. Unlike tooth extraction, the structure of your tooth can be saved with the help of root canal treatment, and you won’t need any dental replacements. As a professional endodontist in Toronto explains, when a tooth is severely damaged, or the infection has reached the tooth’s root and nerve, the best way to save the tooth is going through root canal therapy. If you are a candidate for root canal treatment, there are many essential tips to consider. An important step after root canal treatment is getting a dental crown for your treated tooth. Most endodontists recommend their patients cover the treated tooth to protect it and prevent further dental problems. However, it’s not necessary. Here we explain how covering your tooth after root canal treatment can be helpful and in which situations you may get a root canal without a crown.

Why Is It Recommended to Have a Crown after Root Canal Treatment?

Your endodontist or dentist needs to remove the infected and damaged pulp in your tooth to clean the remaining space and fill it afterwards. In spite of the fact that root canal treatment can prevent your tooth from being extracted, your tooth won’t be as strong as before. Your dentist may place a crown after a root canal for several reasons, including:

Prevent dental infections –

Your treated tooth is basically at higher risk for dental infections and diseases. A crown can provide an extra protective layer to prevent these possible problems.

Provide a nice appearance –

Your tooth doesn’t look good after a root canal treatment without a crown. It will seem extremely stained and grey, which shows how a crown can restore your tooth beauty and give you a better appearance when you smile.

Strengthen the tooth –

Your damaged tooth will become significantly fragile after root canal therapy. A dental crown as a cover can provide the needed strength for your treated tooth and prevent any further damage.

When Can You Get a Root Canal Treatment without a Crown?

Although dental crowns are incredible and advantageous, there aren’t always necessary. If you want to know if a crown is right for you, ask your dentist the following questions.

1. What is the condition of the tooth? The more infected your tooth is, the more notable possibility that you will require a dental crown. If a larger part of your tooth needs to be removed during the treatment, having a crown will probably be unavoidable.

2. Where is the tooth located? Covering your treated molars and premolars teeth with a dental crown is necessary after root canal treatment compared to other teeth.

Furthermore, other factors can also be effective, so it’s important to explain everything to your dentist to make the best decision!